May 2010

Another day in the belly of the beast of this southern Georgia prison. I’m still waking up each morning with a strong will to fight for my freedom. I just mailed to Columbus GA Superior Court my legal motions and briefs, hoping the Court will give me another day in court.
There’s no such thing as justice. Not in this country, nor in the world. It is one of human greater mythic words. If you think it’s not, then you tell John the Baptist, tell Jesus Christ, tell the black man, black people. You hear of terrible crimes in the world (what a tragedy). The world doesn’t know that black Americans are essentially people of tragedy. Tragedy, irony and paradox have been the core of our existence. It’s impossible for white Americans to see black men in a tragic light.

Black men have always been seen as guilty of any crime, especially crimes against whites.
In the 90’s a white female screamed that a black man carjacked her car with her two children inside. A white mob went looking for black males, dragging blacks out of cars, homes, etc. It was a hoax. She drove her car into a lake killing her children.
A white male called the police saying his pregnant wife was shot and killed by a black man. A mob gathered, blacks were dragged from homes, cars, off the streets, beaten, etc. Another hoax. The husband killed his wife and shot himself. These two examples of many, just in the 90’s. Black man is accused, just by word or mouth.
In prisons, there are so many innocent people of every race, but black men outnumber all others. That’s my word. Justice fakes illusion of reality.

I was arrested in 1972 with an illegal arrest warrant. The indictments were not legal. Evidence, that was in my favour was destroyed and suppressed. All the courts never step into undoing the wrong. Of course not, it was a black man charged and sentenced to death. In their eyes, everything was right. Just kill the nigger. Has it been a white charge with this crime, he would have gotten off death row by a new trial. If it’s been a white crime against black, he would have been found not guilty. In case found guilty, on appeal he would have been found not guilty or got a mistrial. That’s the white men’s justice. Even the defence lawyers won’t touch, nor challenge it. If you say, you see blacks set free, after doing 10, 20, 30, 40 years in prison... Yes, in most cases white fearless college students take up the case as a class project. You call that justice? It is not. A man spent 30 years on death row in a southern state; only when a prosecution attorney was about to die from cancer confessed of the suppressed evident that proved a black man was not guilty. That’s justice?

Justice... myth to fight against, like the dummy the whites see me as. It would be even more of a tragedy for me to be as so many blacks have been taught; to be happy and be a good nigger. The belly of the beast won’t kill me nor destroy me. I’m above all that you throw at me. I refuse to be your slave, you have turned blacks against blacks, turned families against their owns’. But this man here can stand alone, sees through the myths, fake illusion you depicted. I won’t cut down or down size every black man or boy. They depicted him as a child or of pathos. This one man knows the fundamental truth is always one big white lie.

February 2010

This is a new year, yet nothing seems to change. Stabbing and killing still goes on in prison. Society is kept in the blind about most of what goes on in prison. January 29th, made 33 years that I’ve been locked up. Now it’s been 7 years that I’ve been off-death row. Being off is not a reason to celebrate. How can an innocent man celebrate when he is still locked up with a slower death sentence (life without parole)? You have a weaker voice now, less people listen, less people care. You are more alone than ever before. You find yourself not only fighting the system, but fighting against those who said “take care”. They want you to be silent. To be happy and make no noise at all. Yet they go home every day to family, loved ones, have children, celebrate holidays, etc.
I’m not seen as human, not supposed to have these things in my life. I should be like blacks in slavery time. Cattle that have no emotions, feelings, no means at all. I face discouragement every day from inmates whom given up on lawyers and others. But I refuse to listen to their voices. The struggle for me is not over. I’m not free at all. I’m still working on my case to get back in court. I have great issues. No lawyer is taking my case now. They don’t want to be the one to help, set a man free who deserves it. It doesn’t bother me. Jesus was left alone at his darkest moment, I guess this is mine...

I heard from a childhood friend a few months ago. It brought true joy to me she told me she believes in my innocence very much. Even while it was just a short note it meant a lot to me, to know someone out there in that cold heartless world does care.
One loses touch with emotions and feelings in prison so often. I have not and I will not. The beast if out to destroy everything a man is supposed to be. A man in Georgia prisons on visitation days are not allowed to hold a female hand. Not allowed to touch or share one quick hug or kiss. They block movie channels and magazines with females. Lock you down for talking to a female guard or staff member, but support gay homosexual activity. If you are caught, you will only end up a few days in the hole. I refuse to go down that road. A lot of guys got aids and are taking it back into the free world. I’m not against gays at all; I’m only speaking about the beast and the injustice which goes on inside it.